
Some days, the best thing you can do is crawl back in bed and pretend it was all a bad dream and start the day all over again.....


My latest obsession

I don´t know how many of you have fallen into the same obsession I have fallen into. Pinterest is my latest obsession.

With a little click of a button, that web pages has turned me into a cupcake maker, and they turned even cute!
(I made these owl cupcakes for my daughter´s 10th bday, whose latest obsession are owls-- cute ones, she likes to clarify :))

A crafty lady able to decorate her house with little budget

(I made this wall decor for my daughter´s ¨newly decorated¨ bedroom)

A cook with an unlimited number of new recipes.

(I didn´t take any photos of my new recipes.... you just have to take my word for it :) )

Girl, I don´t know about you but I love Pinterest!

If you are in Pinterest, let me know, I am always looking for already hunted ideas :)


A weight reason

I have been gone for a long while. Many things have happened since the last time I wrote. But we are not talking about it right now.

I was browsing through some of my favorite's blogs and found that many have been talking about weight loss... I think I found the pounds they have lost..... so if you want your pounds back let me know.... because I don't want them.

I have been wanting to lose some weight for a while now, but I must admit I don't know where to start.

I know I have to exercise, but I need to find that will power.

I know I have to make healthy choices about the foods I eat, but every time I see a list of things not to eat and what to eat, I realize I have no clue.

 I need some help. Where did you start?


Summer is here!

I don´t know about where you are, but we have been having crazy weather this year. We don´t live in an area where you see much snow in winter; but we have seen lots of snow this year. We even run out of snow days in school, and that just doesn´t ever happen (unless we use the snow days for something else ;)).

We don´t live in a place where we take the tornados seriously; but let me tell you, since April, we don´t ignore the tornado sirens anymore, no matter if they are sounding sometime in the middle of the night. Since April, we get up, and with shaking hands we take our pillows and go to our save room. (I may talk about awful April 27 one day)

But summer is finally here, and with it we can say goodbye to the snow and the tornados at least for a while (last night we heard the sirens again, but the weather channel said it was the last of it for a while).

Summer is here, and the girls are out of school. Summer is here, and I am out of school!!

So I am planning things to do this summer. I see books in my future, and a vacation (first real vacation since we got married 11 years ago), I see visits from my family in Spain (or part of them :)).

Oh, summer summer, how I love thee.


I will carry you

I found this. It is the testimony of Todd and Angela Smith, as they were expecting a baby, and the devastating news that followed. Still, they praise God for what He was about to do with them. It was a great blessing to me and thought it may to you.

The interview is a two part, quite long, but worth. I tell you, it will bless your heart.

The last video is the song that came after.


Love Spring Break

This week is Spring Break at our house. Well, at least for the girls and me. So I see our near future very clear.

I see lots of trampoline jumping (Praise God for good weather)

I see a couple of play dates

I see a trip to the park

I see a library stop

I see lots of messes in the girls rooms

I see lots of laugh and fun

You got to love Spring Break!


A newly found passion

Lately, my middle daughter comes home with beautiful stories written by her. She has this beautiful penmanship too, and she finish the stories off with a nice picture about the story.

Even her teacher told me yesterday how much she loves playing in school with a "story starter" the teacher has.

She says she loves writting. So on our trip to Target yesterday, we found this beautiful notebook for her to write and keep her stories in.

Right away she went to find the stories she has written so she could rewrite them in her new notebook.

It may pass, but if it does, we will still have something cool from her childhood for her to show her kids one day. Her story notebook.

And if it doesn´t, this picture may be worth millions one day :) HA!!

I love to see my children developing new passions.