
Celebrity look alike

So, if you are in facebook, you know the theme right now is to put in your profile a photo of your celebrity look alike right?.

I found one that looks just like me right now.... are you ready?

Yep. this is me right about now........

.... although I think this guy looks better than me......... I feel so sick.. Where is my medicine!!

Does he qualifies as a celebrity? I found him in google.... HA!


One of those days!

Today is one of those days.

Last night I got a call from the director of the school where the girls go, asking if I could sub for the 1st and 2nd grade class since their teacher is sick. My husband is out of town (the one day he is schedule to go out of town) but I got my sister to take care of my youngest while I was going to be in school, so my answer was SURE! anything helps right now.

So at about 2:30 in the morning my youngest starts throwing up and has been since.

Noelia, my youngest one, was blessed enough to be gifted with one of those viruses going around and has thrown up about 15 times since 2:30 am last night..... poor baby.... What are the chances, she wasn't even sick....

My husband is out of town and I have been sick for the last week, so that makes the stay up all night even more fun! HA

Of course I didn't get to sub, praise God they were able to find someone to sub the sub at 6:30 am. HA!

So much for my getting back full force to blogging uh? Murphy's law anyone?


Little Update-- Wow, it has been so long!

Hello everyone,

Wow, it has been a while since I blogged last. This has been some crazy few months, lots of changes and lots of ajustments to even still be made, but here we are, still and always trusting in my Lord.

Needless to say, we are not back in the States, back at home in Madison Alabama. We have put our missionary work in Spain behind, but we are still praying that our future would still have much to do with missions, because it is our heart. Matthew has an open door helping the person at our church that handles the Mission Board out of our church (hopefully I made sense there). God is showing us reasons why it was time for us to come back. His timing is perfect!

Matthew is looking for a job, we are waiting in the Lord to answer that prayer. So we are house hunting, but really not in full force since we have to wait for the job first. Patience is a lesson we are learning. His timing is perfect!.

The girls are in school, christian school, and loving it (and so am I, what a difference!). Our home church has a great school and the girls couldn't be happier. To them it seems as they never left. They love the church, the kids' clubs, the sunday schools, Patch the Pirate club, the friends, the family.... but they do remember Spain for it is now a part of them too.

So, I am back to blogging, hopefully full time. It was a nice break though, but I was missing it.

Sorry I was away so long, did you miss me? Well.... I sure did miss you!