With a little click of a button, that web pages has turned me into a cupcake maker, and they turned even cute!
(I made these owl cupcakes for my daughter´s 10th bday, whose latest obsession are owls-- cute ones, she likes to clarify :))
A crafty lady able to decorate her house with little budget
(I made this wall decor for my daughter´s ¨newly decorated¨ bedroom)
(I didn´t take any photos of my new recipes.... you just have to take my word for it :) )
Girl, I don´t know about you but I love Pinterest!
If you are in Pinterest, let me know, I am always looking for already hunted ideas :)

Share the recipes!!! I'm loving Pinterest too! :)
I appreciate your testimony for Christ in your profile. I am also a believer and have set up a blog, simply sharing Bible studies. I actually have 2 blogs. I just started posting a series on worship and music of the believer.
Check it out!
You and your daughter, face similar
Your cupcakes are really cute...great post :)
oh wow great creativity...keep it up
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