
Love Spring Break

This week is Spring Break at our house. Well, at least for the girls and me. So I see our near future very clear.

I see lots of trampoline jumping (Praise God for good weather)

I see a couple of play dates

I see a trip to the park

I see a library stop

I see lots of messes in the girls rooms

I see lots of laugh and fun

You got to love Spring Break!


Alicia The Snowflake said...

How fun! I hope you guys have a great week!

MONTSE said...

We love spring!!

Mich said...

Our spring break is next week. We are all ready.

Amanda said...

Thanks for stopping by
my blog & becoming a follower!
I enjoy reading your blog!
We are aslo on Spring Break & have made our own list of great things to do!
Have a blessed week!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love spring, hope you have a great time with your girls!

Jen Price said...

Oh, yes! We have a few days with the grandparents right now. A great start to Spring Break!

HowardHill Vineyard said...

I love it too! We always have great weather too! Enjoy :)

More Than Words said...

Sounds like you have it all worked out! I bet you are all enjoying it!

Unknown said...

Sounds like so much fun!!Enjoy:)

momstheword said...

I DO love Spring break! The weather is getting nicer, the days are getting longer and my oldest is coming home from college tomorrow for his break!