I have been reading an awesome book that I would encourage everyone to read. It has been a great blessing to me, and I know it would to anyone that would read it. It is call “Words kids need to hear” by David Staal.
I wanted to share the main points of the book, because I believe if we apply them in our lives, our children, and our homes will be singing beautifully.
This book gives you 7 things your kids must hear. And then it goes on to give you the why and the how. I am also sharing phrases about those points that I have taken from the book and underline.
1.- I believe in you. To show them that no matter what, they´ll always have somebody who believes in them. Slow down to look and listen. To look and listen for opportunities to speak encouraging words requires a parent who willingly slows down from high speed of life; efforts worth noticing then become far more obvious.
2.- You can count on me. Kids long for someone to rely on, because life offers plenty of opportunities for disappointment. Make sure your child knows how important he/she is. Not based solely on what she says, but also by what you choose. What I am saying is that when you´ve committed to go someplace or do something with your kids, then don´t let “something better” come along and change your plans.
3.- I treasure you. Kids long to feel special, the kind of feeling that comes straight from a parent´s heart. Not as a result of performance. Not for physical appearance. Not earned at all. Children need to feel precious, prized, valued, or cherished—you pick the term—by mom or dad solely because they´re kids and because kids are worth treasuring.
4.- I´m sorry, please forgive me. Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they never failed to imitate them.
5.- Because. Don´t just tell them you love them, or they are special, tell them why, make them feel unique and treasure. As a weekly habit, challenge yourself to bring to mind how, and the reasons why, you´ve affirmed your child lately. Make sure this challenge includes the question “Have I shared the specifics with her/him?”.
6.- No. In addition to hearing you say no, a child must learn to take that word seriously enough to obey it.
7.- I love you. We can best define unconditional love by showing what it does. Unconditional love shows love to a child no matter what. We love regardless of what the child looks like; regardless of her assets, liabilities, or handicaps; regardless of what we expect her to be; and, most difficult of al, regardless of how she acts. Love matters too much to leave it assumed and unsaid.
If you take those points and apply them to your vocabulary when you are talking to your kids, I believe your home will be singing beautifully. For more Make your Home Sing Monday go over Nan´s
I wanted to share the main points of the book, because I believe if we apply them in our lives, our children, and our homes will be singing beautifully.
This book gives you 7 things your kids must hear. And then it goes on to give you the why and the how. I am also sharing phrases about those points that I have taken from the book and underline.
1.- I believe in you. To show them that no matter what, they´ll always have somebody who believes in them. Slow down to look and listen. To look and listen for opportunities to speak encouraging words requires a parent who willingly slows down from high speed of life; efforts worth noticing then become far more obvious.
2.- You can count on me. Kids long for someone to rely on, because life offers plenty of opportunities for disappointment. Make sure your child knows how important he/she is. Not based solely on what she says, but also by what you choose. What I am saying is that when you´ve committed to go someplace or do something with your kids, then don´t let “something better” come along and change your plans.
3.- I treasure you. Kids long to feel special, the kind of feeling that comes straight from a parent´s heart. Not as a result of performance. Not for physical appearance. Not earned at all. Children need to feel precious, prized, valued, or cherished—you pick the term—by mom or dad solely because they´re kids and because kids are worth treasuring.
4.- I´m sorry, please forgive me. Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they never failed to imitate them.
5.- Because. Don´t just tell them you love them, or they are special, tell them why, make them feel unique and treasure. As a weekly habit, challenge yourself to bring to mind how, and the reasons why, you´ve affirmed your child lately. Make sure this challenge includes the question “Have I shared the specifics with her/him?”.
6.- No. In addition to hearing you say no, a child must learn to take that word seriously enough to obey it.
7.- I love you. We can best define unconditional love by showing what it does. Unconditional love shows love to a child no matter what. We love regardless of what the child looks like; regardless of her assets, liabilities, or handicaps; regardless of what we expect her to be; and, most difficult of al, regardless of how she acts. Love matters too much to leave it assumed and unsaid.
If you take those points and apply them to your vocabulary when you are talking to your kids, I believe your home will be singing beautifully. For more Make your Home Sing Monday go over Nan´s

Yes, wonderful list!! Our kids long to feel affirmed and loved!!
I agree with Alicia...love and affirmation. I know that makes my heart sing :)
Wow...what a great list! There is so much we need to learn and do as parents. Thanks for sharing these 7 very important tips with us.
What a great post! These are all awesome ideas and our children really do need to be built up and encouraged!
It's just so easy to forget to do those things when the kids are little and you're busy teaching and correcting!
Thanks for linking up today.
Great list.
I love the book suggestion! Looking for it soon.
Joyfully His,
Sarah Dawn
What a great list! And there are some of those that I need to work on a little harder. Thanks for the info about the book. I'll have to look for it.
Take care my friend! I've missed visiting with you. I hope all is well!
Thanks for sharing!
Those are wonderful points, thank you for sharing them!
Wow !! I have only been back a few minutes and already the encouragement is pouring in. Thank You for sharing, it is an area I tend to struggle in at times.
Good post! I need to look for this book!
Now to incorporate them. Thank you!
I needed this. So glad I scrolled down to catch up on your posts. :)
Have a great day,
Dani JOY
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