The most important part of today´s post is what I am about to share. I know many of you are prayer warriors an, I know, that many of you will pray. So today I am coming to you knowing that the prayer of the righteous abideth much.
We have some friends that have been praying for years for God to bless them with a baby. God granted their prayer request and gave them beautiful baby Jenna. She is only weeks old, but we jut found out that she is in the hospital with liver failure.
They are doing test on her to find out the reason for the failure and to figure out if she needs a transplant or not.
I am also asking you to pray for her parents, Mark and Christy, for much strength for them. I know how much I hate seeing my kids with a little fever, so I imagine that this must be very hard on them.
Would you remember baby Jenna in prayer?
I am wanting to also join a couple of memes that I have done before on thursdays and that I enjoy.
"Mommy is missing from the pictures, help us find it!" Isn´t it cute. Join Carin in Forever in Blue Jeans for more mommy photos :)
Also, I am joining Sonya from Truth 4 the Journey with Thankful Thrusday. We have so much to be thankful for, and God calls us to praise Him before the multitudes that they may know of His goodness.

1.- In the last couple of days, God has brought to my mind again the blessing that it is to have healthy children. I have three wonderful, sweet, intelligent, healthy girls, and I KNOW it is only by the goodness of God in my life, and His blessings upon my family.
2.- I praise God for the liberty I have in Him. This morning we were out passing our tracts, and again I know it is by the goodness of God that we live in a country where we can freely pass out christian literature, we can leave information in mail boxes, and I can pray wherever I am.
3.- I have had headaches for the last 7 years on and off, due to knots in the muscles of my back and neck. This past month has been specially painful, but still God has given me the strength I need to do the things that need to be done. And when it is not so, He has given me a wonderful husband that has taken those "undone by me things", and done them for me.
4.- I praise God for answer prayers. I have a sister that has been away from church for many years and now she is back with her family. I praise God for that!
5.- I praise God for how He shows Himself to me by showing me the things He wants change in my life. And how He is merciful and faithful to forgive me when I fail.
And last, but not least, I would like to thank Cris from Mommy´s Journey for the cool award she has given me. It comes with a questionnary that I will do in a different time. Thanks so much Cris!!!!
Have a wonderful day!

A wonderful list for Thankful Thursday!! And baby Jenna is in my prayers.
We will be prayer for this sweet baby,
Love the memes you are doing..:o)
I will be praying for Jenna and her family. I can't even imagine how they must feel right now.
I also love your thankful list. I need to do one again!!
And lastly, I love that picture of you and your girls!!! Beautiful!
Pilar what a full post...thoughts are with your friend and her family...hard times, and so much strenght can be found in the place of prayer.
Love the picture of you this week...sweet one of you with your girls. Sorry to read that you suffer from headaches...they can really be tough to live with. Hoping you can find some relief.
Jenna and her family will be in my prayers. I know how hard it is to see your children suffering.
My heart is with Mark and Christy even though I do not know them. I will go to sleep praying for them and baby Jenna. I will continue to pray. May God heal baby Jenna!
Love the picture of you squeezing your blessings!
What a blessing to read your praises. I so need to remember my praises more often.
I too will pray for healing for your headaches.
have a good weekend!
I will pray for that sweet baby!
What a cute blog you have. I am stopping by from Carin's. So sorry to hear about your friends baby girl. I will keep them in my prayers.
Praying for Jenna and her family.
A very wonderful and touching post. I will keep Jenna and family in my prayers. Beautiful picture of you all this week.
I just prayed for Jenna and her parents...please keep us posted.
I love your thankful list....and the picture of you all is beautiful.
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