No, the photo is not uploaded wrong. We were all having fun in my bed. We went to wake Noelia up from her nap, and turned out into a fun tickle fight :).
Also, I am joining Truth 4 the Journey on praising God for His many goodness

1.- I praise God for being able to start the chiropractor on tuesday. Although I a in major pain while I am getting the massage, I notice that the rest of the days, my headaches are a lot milder.
2.- I praise God for the rain. We have had a couple of colder days and it feels so good. I can start seeing snow in the mountains around us. It is a beautiful sight. I know soon I will be wishing for the warmer days but.... for now, cool is what I want :)
3.- I praise God for answering prayers. There in something that we have been praying about for a few months regading our family, and we are starting to see God leading. We don´t understand His will and leading sometimes, but we know that His ways are better than our ways.
4.- I am praising God for my daugthers. My two oldest ones are in love with reading, and I just love seeing that passion on them.
5.- Today I was able to share a little bit about our faith with my oldest daugther´s teacher. There is something that is going to take place in the school that we don´t want our daugthers to participate in. I was talking to the teacher wanting to know exactly what was going to take place to see if I was going to be sending the girls to school that day or not. Then, to my delight she mention that my daughter had talk to her about her not wanting to take part and why ( my little 7 year old daughter used to be a testimony!). She wanted to know more though, so I was able to share a little more. It is in times like this when I see why God put us in the school He did (public school) although I know it is not the "popular" thing to do among christians, and even not what I had in mind. God has a plan for every family and we just have to make sure we are doing what God wants us to do.
Count your many blessings see what God has done!

Love the picture of you and your girls!!
And how awesome that you were able to witness to your daughters teacher. Is the class going to participate in some type of Halloween activity?
Such nice blessings, and I love that picture sweetie.
Cute picture of the fun time with your kids!
I really like the Thankful Thursday meme - we can all use a little encouragement to focus on the positives!
You and your girls are ADORABLE!!
What a beautiful post!
Cute, cute picture! Enjoyed reading your list again this Thursday, and appreciated #5. Home schooling was something I prayed about as well, but every door was pointing to sending my kids to school...like you said...God has a plan for each family...each child, and God needs little lights...even in the schools.
That is one awesome picture!
And, I think this is the best thankful post, I have ever read! God is so good! He is moving in the hearts of our children and in this world. Why do we ever doubt it???
Great picture of you all. Looks like you are having such a wonderful time just being together. I appreciated your thankful list again!
Kayla is so sweet! I'm so glad to hear she is being such a good testimony at school! :)
Had I known about this meme, I would have taken a picture of you with your girls at the photo shoot!!!!!!
Isn't it great when you can see the developing faith of your children. Praise God for the faith of a child.
Blessings ~ Lisa
Great picture...moments like that your babies will remember forever and cherish.
Love your list of thankfulness.
I love that meme, where's mom in the pics?! I'm hardly ever in pics because I'm always taking them. I need to make sure I'm in them more often!
What an awesome photo! and great memory! Love this meme! and love the meme for thankful Thursday. It seems to be a great exercise to do on such a regular basis. What a blessing it is for me to read your blessings. ;)
Praising the Lord for the testimony you and Kayla had. I am so sure there will so many more. It is a wonderful open door having your girls in school. It is a God given decision that you all made to have them in the schools. He has a great plan! He will guide you all through the process too!
Thank you for sharing your blessings!
I think both of these would be lots of fun to participate in. Thank you for sharing. I know I am not in enough of the photos because I am always taking them. I will regret it one day. As far as the schooling, it truly is amazing how the Lord works, this ties in very well with the first post I read. I have been able to talk and witness some with our neighbor across the street (who are very earth friendly and not very religous (bad word to use, but could not think of other word I wanted)) simply because of the door the Lord opened for us to homeschool. Thank you for sharing.
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