Well, in my attempt to put everyone up to date with photos from the last weeks I thought I would share with you some photos from my birthday which it was the 4th of December.. yep, I turned 31, but looking like 23 (ya right!!). Where did the time go. Not to long ago I was in high school... I still remember it like it was yesterday. Not too long ago I was 21 and God took me to the States to meet my husband. Not too long ago I was 24 and having my first baby. And then 26 and having my second and 28 and having my 3rd (wow that was fast and close). It will be 2 years soon that we are here in Spain and I can remember like yesterday getting into the plane.... So where did the time go? How many people is hating me right now for having those questions at 31? hehehehe..... We better enjoy everyday, it is all I have to say.

Looks like you had a great birthday, Pilar! BTW, those questions come more and more the older you get. And time speeds up as well! Just warning you. : )
Happy Birthday Pili, bueno se que es un deseo atrasado, pero se nota que la pasaste muy bien.
I am glad you had a great birthday!!I am starting to ask those questions too ehehe.
Happy Birthday!! Turning 31 this past September had me asking that question too. I suddenly felt old.
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