Update on little Esther
I am having a great time with my family and trying to get as much as possible out of this few days.
I have limited internet access so, I probably won´t be able to get on full blogger mode until after I arrive in the States on the 29th of December.
I did wanted to post this last update on little Esther Elliot. The doctors told them that because of the rare cancer and how extended it was, there was really not an option for a cure. They recommended 14 sessions of chemoteraphy, but still with that, they only gave her not longer than a year. The parents needed to take a decission over the weekend. This update is the latest we received today. Please pray for them. May God be glorified in all this.
Dear Friends,
We so much appreciate your prayers, thoughts, cards, concern… This past week has been very difficult for Lydia and I. On Monday, we met with the doctors and told them that we had decided not to do chemotherapy. It was a rough meeting with the doctors strongly pressing their case for chemotherapy. However, they have accepted our decision and Esther comes home today (12.23.09). We will do a small amount of traveling to visit relatives over the next month or so and then be in Springfield, MO until Esther goes home. The doctors have given 2 – 6 months, but no one really knows for sure. Once we are done with the traveling (we want to visit family in Mississippi, Kentucky, and Indiana), we will have pediatric hospice involved. Our doctor in Bolivar and hospice will oversea Esther’s care.
We appreciate your prayers as we go through this difficult time.
For Souls,
Daniel Elliott
Your Missionaries to Mongolia
I did it!
But with all the craziness around here I haven´t been able to post photos. I took photos of the layers, the back.... everything! but now those photos are in my desktop, inside a box, in a container, in a boat, in the ocean, on its way to the States ;).... so this is the best I could do. I needed to do it though, because many were asking about it.... so......
While on deputation we met the Elliot Family, missionaries going to the field of Mongolia. They have been in the field for a few years now, and God is blessing.
Recently we received an email from them, as we often do for ministry updates, but this time the prayer request was heart breaking.
They have a little daughter, Esther, I believe she is about 6, and she has been diagnose with a very rare cancer, now stage 4. I am going to add their later update so you can pray for her. Also, they have a web page, I am adding a link. I believe you can ask to be added to their email updates, so you can know how everything with little Esther goes, and then better pray for her.
" Dear Friends,
Late last night, the doctors told us that the pathology was back on both the biopsy on the lungs and the original tumor. First, the lung biopsy was positive. That is to say that the nodes on the lungs (both lungs) are cancerous. As we suspected, they have staged the cancer as stage 4 with metastasis. The type of cancer is a cancer called medulloepithelioma. It is an EXTREMELY rare cancer and is considered a cancer of the central nervous system. This type of cancer, when it is found, is normally found in the eyes or brain. There are extremely few instances of this cancer being in the abdominal cavity. As a result of the rareness of this cancer, the doctors cannot give us a prognosis, nor is there an established treatment protocol. There have been a few cases (10 or less) of this cancer. The doctors here will be talking with the doctors that have treated this cancer before to see what they faced and how they treated it. The doctors here will be running a series of tests (MRI, Spinal tap, bone scan, echocardio exam, ekg and bone marrow) to see if we can determine if the cancer has spread beyond the lungs. We appreciate your prayers as we will need to make some hard decisions regarding treatment, chemotherapy, etc within the next few days.
We appreciate your prayers as we go through this difficult time.
For Souls,
Daniel Elliott
Your Missionaries to Mongolia
www.danielelliottfamily.us "
Ministry changes
I have things I have done, a birthday, a hair cut ;).
I have things God is doing. Much teaching I would love to write about to keep it record somewhere.
Lots of photos to share.
But still, never seem to get in here for long enough to do it.
But there is something important that I have to share. There is a huge ministry change that is is about to take place. And I must, and want, share it with all of you.
God is redirecting our ministry and is closing doors for us in Spain.
Do you know with your children. Sometimes, they are frustrating, sometimes they don´t listen, sometimes they even make you angry. But you love them the same right? You don´t want to leave them. You want to love them, you want to share with them, you want to spend time with them, you want to teach them. And you want to see them grow. Don´t you?
That is how I feel with the people in Spain. They are hard hearted. They don´t want to listen. They want to do it their way. But I still love them. I still have a burden for them. I want to see them save, and I want to see them grow. They are my people, and I was once just like them. I wanted to spend my life here telling them about Christ, no matter the cost.
Yeah, sure, I would complain some. But who doesn´t do that with the ones they love the most.
But a few months back, not too many, my husband and I were talking about things we could do, new ministries we could start, different approaches we could take. Excited was building up, there was so much to prepare, so much to plan, so much to do.
While he (my husband) was praying one day, he was begging God to show him of the great things He was going to do. Begging Him to show Him what to do next, what to do first, and making sure His plans were our plans. He was fasting and praying. God took him to Jeremiah, to a chapter where God talks about the people. Talking about how people had turn their ears because they didn´t want to hear, they had turn their hearts into diamond. Hard as it could be. God showed my husband we were done with the work He brought us to do in Granada and that He wasn´t going to start a church with us here (not that He wasn´t going to start a church, just that He wasn´t going to do it with us). We were done here.
Now, I would love to say that we didn´t fight, but we did. We didn´t want to leave, but God´s guiadance is so clear. If we were to stay, we were going to do it alone.
So we prayed. About helping other missionaries in Spain. About starting some other place in Spain. But no was the answer.
So we prayed. About another country, about another kind of ministry. But no was the answer.
So finally my husband felt God clearly telling us to go back. Why? I don´t know, but I know He knows why, and that is all I need to know.
So we are taking a step of faith by leaving everything without knowing what is to come. We have sold everything when we came here, thinking our days were going to end here.
Our thoughts are not His thoughts, and our ways are not our ways. But we trust Him, because He is God.
We have peace, and we have joy knowing we are doing His will.
So, my house is almost empty, we have sold everything :) We are selling our car and this friday will be our last day in Granada. Then, we will head up to Madrid to spend Christmas with my family. And the 29th we will take a flight back to Madison, Alabama, to our home church.
I am adding a link to our ministry web page in case you want to read our prayer letter.
So here it is, what it has been going on with us the last couple of months ;).
Pray for us. My husband will be looking for a secular job.
And yes, I am a little sad because I am leaving Spain, but also so excited because I know this is God´s will. I am so glad He loves me.
To God be the glory, great things He has done!
Merry Christmas everyone!

Hello everyone,
I know I haven´t been in here much the last several weeks, and having been able to visit you over at your "place".
The last few weeks have been full with much prayer and planning. God is bringing many changes to our lives, big ones too. I will be able, hopefully, to get in here next week and share it with you.
Until then, I wanted to wish you a blessed Merry CHRISTmas. May God bless you greatly this holiday season and the next coming year.
We serve a great God!
A new hair cut..... maybe.....????
I tried to let it grow, but you know, my hair is not cooperating.
It is in this yucky shoulder length where it is easier to pull it up to a ponytail and forget about it.... which obviously doesn´t make my hair look really nice.
I have seen those girls that wear ponytails and they look cute, stylish, chic..... but yeah... I am not one of those girls ;)
The other day I caught myself with scissors, looking at my hair in front of the mirrow... didn´t think that was a good sign......
It is not that I have a bad hair cut. It is actually pretty good. I just had it done a couple of weeks ago ;) when I got my highlights redone.... I just LOVE short bobs too much.
So this is what I am thinking about. It is really pretty much the same hair cut, just one has shorter layers than the other one.....
So, what do you think? Should I forget about it and let it grow, or should I cut it and get it out of my system?..............

A short stop
I am doing well, I am still alive :)
I know it has been over a week since I was in here last and also it has been a while since I have been able to stop by to visit with you ladies. I sure hold you as a blessing so I am missing you, but lots has been going on.
I have been going to the chiropractor. Praise God is helping, but my back is still pretty back. I had 10 sessions and just today it got extended to 20 more. It is taking all my morning, which is my usual blog time.... :( So that is a very big reason.
A second thing that has been keeping me away is that my computer is in the shop, yep, my new computer....... :) it is not very big, but still needed to get fix, so all I have is my husband´s computer, that, as you can imagine, is his, which means I have very little time with it :).
So, now I need to go :) the girls need to get to bed and I need to take them there :) you know the drill, but I wanted to stop really fast to let you know that I miss you and that I hope to be back soon.

Word Filled Wednesday

Isaiah 55:8 says : "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD"
I used to judge people when they told me something was God´s will, because I thought God didn´t do those things.
But God is showing me in my own life that I was wrong.
God can do anything, anytime and with anyone.
Sometimes we see it coming. Sometimes it caught us by surprise.
Sometimes we don´t understand it so we fight because we don´t believe it can come from Him.
Sometimes it is so clear it is easy to follow.
I know I don´t make much sense, but right now it is all I can say. It comes from the thoughts of my mind.
Have a wonderful day!

Make your Home Sing Monday: 7 things your kids must hear

I wanted to share the main points of the book, because I believe if we apply them in our lives, our children, and our homes will be singing beautifully.
This book gives you 7 things your kids must hear. And then it goes on to give you the why and the how. I am also sharing phrases about those points that I have taken from the book and underline.
1.- I believe in you. To show them that no matter what, they´ll always have somebody who believes in them. Slow down to look and listen. To look and listen for opportunities to speak encouraging words requires a parent who willingly slows down from high speed of life; efforts worth noticing then become far more obvious.
2.- You can count on me. Kids long for someone to rely on, because life offers plenty of opportunities for disappointment. Make sure your child knows how important he/she is. Not based solely on what she says, but also by what you choose. What I am saying is that when you´ve committed to go someplace or do something with your kids, then don´t let “something better” come along and change your plans.
3.- I treasure you. Kids long to feel special, the kind of feeling that comes straight from a parent´s heart. Not as a result of performance. Not for physical appearance. Not earned at all. Children need to feel precious, prized, valued, or cherished—you pick the term—by mom or dad solely because they´re kids and because kids are worth treasuring.
4.- I´m sorry, please forgive me. Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they never failed to imitate them.
5.- Because. Don´t just tell them you love them, or they are special, tell them why, make them feel unique and treasure. As a weekly habit, challenge yourself to bring to mind how, and the reasons why, you´ve affirmed your child lately. Make sure this challenge includes the question “Have I shared the specifics with her/him?”.
6.- No. In addition to hearing you say no, a child must learn to take that word seriously enough to obey it.
7.- I love you. We can best define unconditional love by showing what it does. Unconditional love shows love to a child no matter what. We love regardless of what the child looks like; regardless of her assets, liabilities, or handicaps; regardless of what we expect her to be; and, most difficult of al, regardless of how she acts. Love matters too much to leave it assumed and unsaid.
If you take those points and apply them to your vocabulary when you are talking to your kids, I believe your home will be singing beautifully. For more Make your Home Sing Monday go over Nan´s

Anniversary bands

Sorry for the photo, but I had it only in my wedding album scrapbook and I couldn´t get it out. What I am trying you to see is our wedding bands. I think I had the most beautiful engagement ring. The most special part of it for me is that Matthew and I never went to see rings together. So he had no idea what I liked. He picked that ring by himself, no help from anyone, so to me that made it even more special and even more beautiful. It came from his heart to mine.

As many of you know we just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. We were planning to go to Rome, but the crisis is hitting everyone and we thought it would be smarted to postpone the trip for better days :).
Still, it was our 10 year anniversary and we knew we needed to get something special for each other. Something that would be with us forever.
So we decided to buy new wedding bands. We still wear our original ones, but here in Spain, the wedding band are wore in the right hand and it is just a band (no diamond). They are also suppossed to match.
My wedding ring doesn´t fit in my right hand so I have been wearing a ring that Matthew bought me when we first were going out. I was fine with it, of course, but always wanted to get matching ones one day.
So this is what we found and we love it!
As you can see it is one part white gold and another part yellow gold.
This are the flowers Matthew got me too.
Have a good weekend everyone!

Thursday´s memes

1.- I praise God for being able to start the chiropractor on tuesday. Although I a in major pain while I am getting the massage, I notice that the rest of the days, my headaches are a lot milder.
2.- I praise God for the rain. We have had a couple of colder days and it feels so good. I can start seeing snow in the mountains around us. It is a beautiful sight. I know soon I will be wishing for the warmer days but.... for now, cool is what I want :)
3.- I praise God for answering prayers. There in something that we have been praying about for a few months regading our family, and we are starting to see God leading. We don´t understand His will and leading sometimes, but we know that His ways are better than our ways.
4.- I am praising God for my daugthers. My two oldest ones are in love with reading, and I just love seeing that passion on them.
5.- Today I was able to share a little bit about our faith with my oldest daugther´s teacher. There is something that is going to take place in the school that we don´t want our daugthers to participate in. I was talking to the teacher wanting to know exactly what was going to take place to see if I was going to be sending the girls to school that day or not. Then, to my delight she mention that my daughter had talk to her about her not wanting to take part and why ( my little 7 year old daughter used to be a testimony!). She wanted to know more though, so I was able to share a little more. It is in times like this when I see why God put us in the school He did (public school) although I know it is not the "popular" thing to do among christians, and even not what I had in mind. God has a plan for every family and we just have to make sure we are doing what God wants us to do.
Count your many blessings see what God has done!

Word Filled Wednesday: The Greatest news
Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Rom 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Rom 10:11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
Rom 10:12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him

♥What are your middle names?
Mine Pilar, His Gordon (I didn´t tell you J)
♥How long have you been together?
We just had out 10 years anniversary
♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We were introduced 1 year minus 1 week after we got married.
♥ Who asked who out?
He asked me out, but I have to admit that I threw a couple of hints :)
♥ How old are each of you?
I am 31, he is 33.
♥ Did you go to the same school?
♥ Are you from the same home town?
Nop. We were not even from the same country. My sister and her family moved from Spain to AL so my b.i.l. could pastor a Spanish ministry
♥ Who is the smartest?
He is, I believe, at least his grades proof it :)
♥ Who majored in what?
He is a business major and also has a missions major. I didn´t go to college, but I have an administrative assistant "degree"
♥ Who is the most sensitive?
Me, I think.
♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Right now, in an Italian restaurant
♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Spain or USA depending on from which side of the ocean you are reading this :)
♥ Who has the worst temper?
ME withouth a doubt
♥ How many children do you want?
We are happy with the three we have.
♥ Who does the cooking?
ME, although he makes some awesome burguers
♥ Who is more social?
I think I am more open to talk to people we don´t know and start conversations. He is more shy. But everyone that meets Matthew likes him a lot. I can´t say the same thing about me :)
♥ Who is the neat-freak?
Him. His shirts have to be all hang in a certain way in the closet and they are colour organized (yeah, I didn´t tell you that either)
♥ Who is the most stubborn?
I think we hold a tight on that one.
♥ Who wakes up earlier?
Him, he is a morning person. I get up early because I have no choice. He does it because he likes to get all those things done before the rest of the house gets up.
♥ Where was your first date?
Well, we could count two different first dates. The first time we went out together he took me to a sport store because I needed to check into a football for my brother in law in Spain (there is the hint I sent him so he would ask me out—he is pretty shy), but his sister came along because we were also friends, and so the next ones after. So the actual time that it was just him and I was to a football game (I wanted to go to one) and the he took me to cracker barrel to eat dinner (yes, I am a cheap date :) what can I say, I like simple :))
♥ Who has the bigger family?
Him. They are 7 and we are 6
♥ Do you get flowers often?
I get them occasionally. Not too often that I would get used to and not appreciate them, but neither too far apart that I would miss them.
♥ How do you spend the holidays?Usually as a family. If we are close to our extended family we probably would get together with them.
♥ Who is more jealous?
I am not sure. We are not jealous people, neither has given the other the possibility to feel jealous.
♥ How long did it take to get serious?
I had him from hello ;)
♥ Who eats more?
Him, but he runs and loves sports so he doesn´t look like it.
♥ What do you do for a living?
Missionary work
♥ Who does the laundry?
Me generally, but he would help no problem. As a matter of fact he does.
♥ Who’s better with the computer?
He is probably
♥ Who drives when you are together?
He used to always drive but he hasn´t gotten the Spanish driver license yet so lately I have been driving to stay away from tickets
♥What is your song?“I do cherish you” by Mark Wills—we were into country

Encouragement for the weeked
But He did promise strength for the day,
If God brings you to it,
10 years later

Love is a great blessing!
Have a great weekend everyone
Btw-- No, I am not in Rome, we had to cancel the trip :) Not a good time :)

Joys and blessings
Noelia right after her bath. This girl is silly, sweet,beautiful and funny.
My girls are going to break some hearts when they grow up.. :) you know, when they are ready to get married at 45 or something.... hehehe
Also I am joining Sonya at Truth for the Journey on praising God for His many goodness.
1.- I a thanking God for a better week with my headaches. I still have them but they are ok to live with :) I know that lots have to do with the many people that are praying for me. The prayers or th righteous abideth much.
2.- I am thanking God that I was able to go to the doctor yesterday and told me the reason for my headaches is nothing to be concern about. I still need to go to the neurologist, but he thinks is probably stress related. I don´t feel stress, but I know that with the girls, the ministry and everything else there is a lot in my mind.
3.- I am thanking God that the doctor send me some sessions wth the chiropractor though, those always help.
4.- I am thanking God that He has allow me to be married to my dream guy for ten years. Tomorrow is our 10 years anniversary. Can you believe it?!!! Time sure goes fast when you are having fun :)
5.- I am thanking God for another week without sickness in our home. Colds, flus, stomach virus, fevers.... everyone is getting them. But praise God my house has been able to stay out of it. I pray God may give us a healthy winter.
Have a wonderful blessed day.
By the way. Thanks to those still praying for baby Jenna, she is improving and her levels are normal after only 3 sessions of chemo. Praise God! They will continue with the treatment though so please keep praying.
Word Filled Wednesday: Never alone

Psa 55:22 Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.
At those times, sometimes we pray, and God seems to be waiting for our prayer, because right away, we have the answer right there.
Other times we pray, lift up our eyes with faith, but there is no answer.
Sometimes we pray for long, but we look up, and it is still rainning.
At those times it is easy to feel alone. It is easy to feel forgotten. It is easy to feel without hope.
It is then that we have to find one of God´s promises to His people and hold on to it, so hard, that Satan will not be able to move us.
God tells us to give up our burdens and put it at His feet. He promises to carry them for us. He also promises us He will hold our hand and pull us out of our darkest hour.
He will not leave us, not forsake us.
Look up to Jesus, He is our deliverer.

Making your Home Sing Monday: Free Day

But for those of us that live in Spain, we get a break. We are having a 3 day weekend, s tomorrow tuesday will be our monday.
So making my home sing today is being pretty easy. We just pretend it is Saturday.
Morning in the park with the bikes, fun, lots of talking and playing, and maybe even a movie or game.
With mondays like this, who needs a weekend :)
Have a great monday everyone.
For more, Making our Home Sing Monday visit Nan at Moms the Word

Update on baby Jenna
I have been following then through facebook and the doctors found the problem on thursday. The diagnosis is HLH. I must admit I have never heard about this illness, but went to http://www.histio.org/ to try to read some about it.
Histiocytosis is a rare blood disease that is caused by an excess of white blood cells. They call this disease the orphan because there are so few cases of it, that it doesn´t generate enough "noise" to get govertment attention to do research. It can attack the skin, bones, lung, liver, spleen, gums, ears, eyes, and/or the central nervous system, and it is treated like cancer, although is not.
Baby Jenna started chemo and will be having treatments of chemo for 8 weeks. Then, her mom said that will probably then be having a bone marrow transplant.
The answer prayer was that they did an MRI to see if the HLH had affect the brain, and the results came back with no evidende of brain involvement.
Please continue to have baby Jenna and her parents in your prayers. I will keep you posted as I hear something.

Once upon a time...

This meme is a great opportunity to go through all the photo albums and bing back memories from past blessings. In this post I am also using digital photos (the last three), I hope Alicia forgive me, but I couldn´t tell the whole Once Upon a Time story without them. :)
So once upon a time, there was young american guy that had just finish college and gone back to his hometown. And there was a young spaniard girl that was going for a short trip to visit her sister that had move the year earlier, with her family, to start a spanish ministry in AL.
They meet and quickly feel in love. Shortly after they were married.

They were blessed, they were happy.

And a couple of years later, they were blessed with beautiful baby Kayla.
(May 6, 02)

They were so happy, and to their surprise, 10 months later they found out that they were expecting again.
(Dec.23, 2002)

By this photo, the Lord has called us to Spain, and Matthew had finish Bible College. We were on our survey trip and getting ready to start deputation. Our lives were changing. My husband was an accountant and now we were going to the mission field. We were excited though looking forward seeing what God was going to do.
But they changes didn´t stop there, and in the middle of all the traveling, we were blessed with yet another beautiful blessing. Our Noelia. I remember I was feeling so sick but I din´t want to do a pregnancy test because I was just so sure it couldn´t be..... but........ it was :)
(July 28, 2006)
Prayers and Praises

The most important part of today´s post is what I am about to share. I know many of you are prayer warriors an, I know, that many of you will pray. So today I am coming to you knowing that the prayer of the righteous abideth much.
Also, I am joining Sonya from Truth 4 the Journey with Thankful Thrusday. We have so much to be thankful for, and God calls us to praise Him before the multitudes that they may know of His goodness.

1.- In the last couple of days, God has brought to my mind again the blessing that it is to have healthy children. I have three wonderful, sweet, intelligent, healthy girls, and I KNOW it is only by the goodness of God in my life, and His blessings upon my family.
2.- I praise God for the liberty I have in Him. This morning we were out passing our tracts, and again I know it is by the goodness of God that we live in a country where we can freely pass out christian literature, we can leave information in mail boxes, and I can pray wherever I am.
3.- I have had headaches for the last 7 years on and off, due to knots in the muscles of my back and neck. This past month has been specially painful, but still God has given me the strength I need to do the things that need to be done. And when it is not so, He has given me a wonderful husband that has taken those "undone by me things", and done them for me.
4.- I praise God for answer prayers. I have a sister that has been away from church for many years and now she is back with her family. I praise God for that!
5.- I praise God for how He shows Himself to me by showing me the things He wants change in my life. And how He is merciful and faithful to forgive me when I fail.
And last, but not least, I would like to thank Cris from Mommy´s Journey for the cool award she has given me. It comes with a questionnary that I will do in a different time. Thanks so much Cris!!!!
Have a wonderful day!