Our wedding day. Oc 16, 99. Almost 10 years.... time do go fast when you are having fun.
I think most everyone has a ¨bad story¨ from their wedding. It could be that it was an outside wedding and it rained, or your m.i.l horrible dress. It could be the flowers not coming or arriving late. I don´t, you name it and it has probably happend to somebody. For me it was my hair... bad.... bad.... If you want to hear the story let me tell you...

But the hair, that was a different story. My m.i.l always got her own hair done and also did my s.i.l, and she didn´t know anyone who could recomend a hairdresser to do my hair. There was a lady that own a hairstylish place in our church so she asked her. She gave her the name of a lady in a place call "The big Teaser".... I am not kidding with the name. I remember my m.i.l telling me the name sounded weird, but I had no idea back then what she meant (not enough english).
To make the story short, I went a few days before the wedding to see if I could schedule a try before the big date, but she was busy, I had a photo and a very simple style. They guy told me she was booked ´till the date but that she would be able to do it no problem.
Wedding date came and after 4 hours and 3 tries she was uncapable.... I just wanted a french bun people!!! Anyway, 2 hours before the wedding and I am off to my m.i.l´s house where the make up lady was waiting for me. I was late of course. I remember driving over the speed limit, crying and pulling the bobby pins off my hair. I was so upset..... I got there and asked to see Matthew. Of course they told me I couldn´t because it was bad luck.... I didn´t care, if I didn´t see him, I was going to be back luck myself :). After seeing him and relaxing I got my make up done and one of the ladies there did a brade. Needless to say I never took my veil off.... :)
Did you have a perfect wedding? What went wrong in yours? I am stressed out again just thinking about it? Am I the only one that was happy once the actual wedding was over?
For more Friday Photo Flashback go over to Alicia´s blog at More than Words

its always a joy to look at old photos isnt it? its filled with so much memories :D
its my first time here... hope to come back more often! see you around!
greetings from the philippines!
OOOO ... hair can be so stressful! Not to even mention haveing a wedding in a different country!I got clammy hands just reading about it.
You were a gorgeous bride!
I don´t know if I have told you my wedding experiance or not. I told Nina I would tell her in Madrid. jeje.. it´s long. But I was happy to be with Joseph and that´s all that mattered.
Thanks for the encouragment on my blog!
I love your dress! Just beautiful!!!
Oh my gosh...about your hair story! I would have been crying too!!
I had very small wedding, so there was nothing that could go wrong..lol!!
I'm so glad you joined in on FPF again!!
Have a blessed Mother's Day!!!!
You poor thing!
Well the good news, you looked beautiful AND you still look the same 10 years later. What a blessing!
Thank you for sharing with us!
Your wedding photo is beautiful and I love your dress!
I hear you on the hair stress. I think yours turned out beautiful.
I enjoyed this post. You were a beautiful bride sweetie.
Popped in from your comment on another blog. Enjoyed seeing your wedding pic and loved the pictures of your daughter on her birthday.
Oh, yes, we all have a story, don't we? What a crazy time for you -- but you look beautiful in those wedding pictures!!!
I get stressed just thinking about when we got married, too, but my husband is always quick to remind me of the good moments and tells me that he is happy about everything... and that makes me happy, too.
All that matters is that you and your honey are together and happy now! :o)
Oh, I'm so sorry about your picture! Your hair looked beautiful though and I LOVE your dress. You made an amazing bride.
My cake fell en-route to the church. You have to understand that we had a BUDGET wedding and my cake cost more than my dress. No other food was served - just the cake. The baker was a friend of my mothers...probably a mistake from the beginning. She drove it through NYC and it fell in a pothole. No joke.
My aunt, the director as she was named, was in tears. It was trauma for everyone. Only my wallet was traumatized and we all lived happily ever after. I still don't like to eat wedding cake though. ;-)
I think you look beautiful. Our wedding went off smoothly, but the rehersal the night before was awful.
We can (almost) laugh about it now, but for a while I think my hubby and I got mad everytime we thought about it. lol
Hey girl! I put a disclaimer on my Photo Flashback. I felt bad that I said the boys didn´t have style. jeje.. I was trying to be funny. You´ll have to go over and read what I wrote on my post after I read your comment.
You were a beautiful bride!!
Our wedding guests threw bird seed at us as were were leaving in the limo. In Jamaica, a few days later my husband developed an ear ache. After visiting the resort nurse, she discovered a piece of sprouted bird seed in his ear...!!
I think it looks lovely, what I can see anyway.
Well, I had a bridesmaid that barely made it in time for the wedding, but other than that it pretty much went o.k., I guess. It's a nerve wracking time, that's for sure.
My friend went to a wedding where the bride's mother crawled up the aisle on her hands and knees barking like a dog. But I think she had some problems, I mean it's pretty obvious, I think.
Thanks everyone, I should have taken a photo of my hair without the veil so I can show you what I meant but back then I did´n´t want any proof or reminded of it :) hehehe.
After so many nice comments I dont feel as bad anymore :).You gals know how to make a girl feel better :)
thanks for coming back over to read the disclaimer. I pretty much put it there for anyone else who doesn´t really know me. Oh and for my M.I.L. who tends to be overly critcal of my blog! I will tell you about that one too in Madrid.
Hi, thanks so much for visiting me earlier in the week. I'm so glad you did as I think I have found a new blog that I just MUST follow. I'll be back soon!
Oh, Pilar...regardless of your memories, you were a beautiful bride. As for perfect weddings, I don't believe there is such a thing. At my wedding, my MIL decided to ignore my explanations and would not recognize the man who adopted me as my dad because my birthfather and his wife were at the wedding, too. She threw a fit when I explained that my birth-father would not be walking me down the aisle, my dad would be walking me down the aisle. It went downhill from there. 20 years later, I still think she was being mean...
You look lovely in your photo, even though you had a hair fiasco!!! :)
It wouldn´t have mattered if your hair had turned purple, you were the most beautiful bride ever and you are still the most beautiful woman ever!!
Thank you for all of the wonderful moments we have shared in these 10 years and counting!!
Awwww....comment from the hubby!!
Way to go Bro. Stark!!
Brownie points!!
And I think I blushed reading that comment from you!!
You two are TOO CUTE!!
Thank you(again) so much for sharing you photos. I think I am going to start something like this, at least it will give me an excuse to go back through the photos.
Side note: R & I eloped. It was just us in Gatlinburg, TN. We arrived on the weekend, found a chapel, got married. R said that he had been through 3 weddings with his sisters and it was a big waste of money, it was stressful, and something always went wrong. My mom was upset, but I promised video and pictures.
It is always neat to hear other's stories. Later.
You looked great.... no one would have ever known, if you didn't tell them:)
There were tornadoes the day of our wedding. The caterer had to go check on her mother, and left some food to cook. Needless to say, when she made it back, it was burned. We had nice food, but when my dad sent her back for more, she had to tell the story. The lady also did my sister's wedding, and gave her a discount. Is that supposed to make it up???
My hubby says, "We're just as married":)
Look at you with all these comments!
I remember the day! I did not know that story about the hair. But, you were (and are!) beautiful! I'm glad you married into our family!
Happy Mother's Day!
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