So, I don´t have much luck with giveaways, in the contrary to my friend Dani that has won like 3 or 4 in the last couple of months.... You Go Girl!. So I usually dont´t enter (could that be the reason why I don´t win then?:)). But I did enter Alicia´s because I thought it was so cool. She was giving away an inspirational book that comes with a great cd. It is called "One wish for you".
So guess what.... I won!!! I was so excited and looking forward getting it. My first giveaway won and it was so good of a giveaway too!!! One of those I really wanted.
So the other day I got the package and guess what? I got an extra bonus :) inside. Alicia had talk in her blog about about a book she had read. It was christian fiction and she sounded like it was a great book to read. So, as the big reader I am, I checked it out and was going to get it and from Amazon and get it send here to Spain. But, I didn´t need to because for second time, God used Alicia to bless me and she had bought it and send it to me. And it is signed by the writer!!!! How cool is that!!!

So, thanks so much Alicia for blessing me this way. I am so glad I became a part of this blogworld where God has given me so many friends that have been used By Him to be a blessing to me in so many ways. So thanks all of you girls, and especially thanks Alicia. May God bless you greatly as you are a blessing to me.

Congrats on your sweet blessings.
wow, what a blessing!!!!! :D congratulations! and don't give up! I never won anything till I started going to jewelry parties last year! and I found out that sometimes I can win too!!!!
What a blessing Pilar!
I'm so glad you won!
Oh Pilar...what a blessing!!! Alicia is soooo sweet! I love reading her blog too!! She's so encouraging!!!!
Enjoy your goodies, my friend!! You deserve it!
That's so fun! I'm looking forward to winning a giveaway someday!
I agree, maybe I haven't won, since I haven't entered. I like this world of blogs that I found. I would have given you an award, but it was supposed to be new bloggers.
Congratulations dear sister. ENJOY!!!
I'm so glad you like the books!
When I got to see Amy the second time, I just couldn't pass up getting the books for you and Danijoy. And Amy was more than happy to sign them for you guys. Her husband used to be in ministry. So she understands some of the struggles.
I did get your email. I just haven't had much time online. I was busy with my son's birthday and then I got a sinus infection. So I haven't been able to get online. But I love your new haircut! It's beautiful...just like you my friend!
Congrats! Hope you enjoy your reads (I know it's a treat!)
How great is that! I was going buy that second book too.
I have been blessed beyond messure by blogging too. It´s so funny in a way. I owe it to you cause I would never have done it other wise. You were first my friend and co worker and you were my first bloggy follower! ;)
I like giveaways but only certain ones. Ones where there are not thousands of people entering. I definitely get in on New bloggers and special friends!
Hope you had a lovely Lord´s day. I can´t wait to blog about yesterday. Even though the Mariners lost it was great to be with the team and talk with the girlfriends.
Congrats on your wins!
Thanks for sharing Pilar & Congrats !!
Congratulations! You'll have to tell us how you like it...
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