
Do you want to trade a book with me?

Hello everyone,
I have something new for me, although it may not be for you, and I wanted to know if anyone was interested. I am a book freak, I think everyone knows that by now. I love to read. The books are acumulating and I need some extra space as well as some new books, so here is the deal.
I have several books that I would like to trade for a book that you may have that you may be willing to give up. For example, I have a list of books right now (although I am sure I will come up with more once I have time to look some more):

*The Shaping of a Christian Family by Elisabeth Elliot
* He speaks to me by Priscilla Shrirer
* Consolation by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
* The Home: Courtship, marriage, children by John R. Rice
* Growing up God's way by John A. Stormer
* Woman, the Assembler by Beverly Hyles
* Created to be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl
* Dressing for the Lord by David Cloud
* Losing my Mind by Thomas DeBaggio

You may want to google this books for info about them. I have only read 3 of those books so I don't know what the others are about.
If you are interested in any of this books leave me a comment or email me at pilar@spainforchrist.com. I will send this book to you by mail. The only thing I ask in return is that you will give me a list of books that you may have and are wanting to give away and I will pick one of this books so you can send it to me. Remember, I do live in Spain.
I also have lots of books in Spanish in case any of you are interested on those. If you want one of the books that I have posted in the right side of my side bar I will be willing to give those up too... some anyway ("To Cross the widest ocean" is not one that I will be wanting to share)
If you want one of the books in the list but don't have anything to trade with also let me know.

Now scroll down and look at the cute pictures of my girls that I just posted :)


Laura said...

Pilar, in the past I swapped books via www.paperbackswap.com. Is there anything like that internationally? What does it say about me that the one that interests me is "Losing my Mind"?! I have several of the other ones. Did you read the book by David Cloud? How much would it cost to mail a book internationally?

Laura said...

Also, what kinds of books are you looking for?

Pilar said...

Laura, I am not sure how much it would cost to ship to Spain. I am sure it would depend of the size of the book.
I didn't read either one of the ones you ask for... sorry :(
Let me know if you want any of them even if you don't have any to trade for.
I am open to any kind of book. Let me know if you have any or a few so I can check them.

Laura said...

I am constantly bringing books in and then clearing some out. I'll try to keep my eye out for some that might interest you. I think I buy fewer marriage and parenting books than I did in the past. Is anyone coming to visit you soon? I could send a pile. I hope you are all doing well!