Outside my window. . . cloudy gray day. It did look at times like the sun was trying to come out, but didn’t have the privileged.
I am thinking. . . That Noelia is awful whiny this days. I really need to go back to putting her down for naps after lunch/
I am thankful for. . . so many things. But right now, for God’s patience and how when I start to get impatient with one of my girls He reminds me how patience He is with me.
From the kitchen. . . The sound of the washer machine.
I am wearing. . . A white sweater… I am so ready for spring.
I am reading. . . “The life story of John Hyde, apostle of prayer” but it is hard because although I have no problems reading in English, they use the old way to build phrases (type of language they use in “Pride and Prejudice”) and I am having a hard time staying at it.
I am hoping. . . that tomorrow we would have a pretty day so we can go out to the park and do something fun outdoors.
I am creating. . . A new look for the house. I am trying to change details here and there and thinking of ways to decorate the rooms to make it more us.
I am hearing. . . “Be still my soul” I love this song. “Be still my soul, the Lord is on your side”.
Around the house. . . Downstairs, my husband finishing taxes. Upstairs, the girls in their room playing…. Lots of noise… praise the Lord for them!
One of my favorite things. . . A rainy night, girls in bed, a nice movie on t.v., my husband and I cuddling in the sofa
A few plans for the rest of the week. . . It all depends on the kind of day we have in the morning. No plans yet.
Here in the southern hemisphere we are still enjoying the remaining days of summer. Hope you get some nice days soon!
I love reading your posts. You are so encouraging!Thanks!
I haven´t gotten to comment on your last two posts. YOu´re inspired huh?
I like this post. It shows alot about you.
Sounds great about the rainy night and the kids in bed and the cuddling on the sofa!! :) We need our alone time!
Can´t wait to come see you! I need a new hair doo. Any suggestions? off course if I get a few extra bucks.
Mine have been whiny too....very annoying :)
Girl, send me your hair photos anyway. Retroactive is okay!
Hey girl where did your new post go? I saw a new post showed up but then it was gone. Or am I loosing my mind? Well, I know I am but what happened?
This was nice to read. Thanks for sharing your day with us. Bless your beautiful family.
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