This is the little souvenir my husband came home with from his football game. And this one is not even the worst, one time he came with half of his arm completely purple.... I just don´t get guys....
For those that don´t know, and most won´t because I don´t think I ever mentioned here, my husband plays football for the team here in Granada. He did it because he thought would be a great way to meet people and make future contacts for church. And it is working, he has been able to share about us, the church, our beliefs and the ministry with many interested team players.
The other plus side of getting into the team is that he loves sports. He is just a very athletic person. He plays every sport and plays them well. I am just not that way. It is so funny because all of the Stark kids are so athletic, it is in their blood or something. They play sports, they are just good with that. In the contrary the in-laws, the spouses that the Stark kids have married, we are just not that way. We are not into playing sports, so we obviously are not that great at them (maybe things have changed now, but this was the way back when I was there), or maybe we are just smart enough not to get in the middle of a Stark competition :), but in Memorial Day, there we would be watching the Stark kids playing volleyball or any other sport, while we sat in the sidelines watching them.
Anyhow, I am getting sidetrack. I just don´t get guys. How is it a hobby a sport where you get hit, tackle around, burned and at times you get bones broken?... Just don´t get it. The funny part is that they are tough enough to play that game, but then complain because their “booboo” hurts when is trying to get clean (let me tell you, that thing was looking ugly). By the way, I am not making fun of my husband here, just think it is funny.
The best part was when he told me after I was playing with him about it “you just can´t imagine how much this thing hurts”…. No???? Did I not have 3 kids???? Now, that hurts :)
SIDE NOTE HERE: Do you know how I realize I crossed the line to the dark side of blogging? When my husband comes home with a nasty looking burn and instead of wondering what happened, or running for the first aid kit, I run for the camera because “I am so blogging about this”. Did I go too far? Am I the only one?

Oooh that does look rough! No, I don't understand it either. But we're not really a very athletic family. We like to go hiking in the woods and that's about the extent of it.
I don't think you went too far. I would just say that you are now officially addicted to blogging. Welcome to the club :o)
Yeah, boys are strange sometimes. My son LOVES wrestling like there's no tomorrow.
I feel like I'm blogging about everything these days. I have one rolling around in my head about Africa's tropical diseases!
Siento mucho lo que le ha pasado a tu marido, pero…. ¡No te preocupes mujer!
Si huera sido de otra manera, quizás…estaría para morirse, pero cuando es por culpa del futbol, no le dan tanta importancia.
Isaac ya ha tenido muchos accidentes, jugando un partidito “uno de ellos le tocó bien el menisco” pero bueno….que según ellos:
¡No pasa nada! Jajajjaajajajjaja
¿Qué hacemos con los hombres hija mía?
Yo tengo tres, y…. ¡Qué paciencia!
Muchos besicos
jajajaja, me has hecho reir, gracias por visitarme :), boys, boys, boys, siempre igual, les gusta lo peligroso, lo dificil, pero bueno asi son y asi los queremos jejeje. Desde hace cuanto tiempo han abierto esa obra en Granada?
Ten una linda semana.
I don't get guys, either. I don't think they really get us, though, so it's a trade-off, lol! My hubby loves baseball and football and camping and fishing... I'm definitely one of the ones who sit on the sidelines and just cheer for him. He's working on me, though, so that I'll be more willing to participate, lol!
I don't think you went "too far" with this post... and I would have blogged about it, too, if I were you! :P're so right! They can play rough, but when they get hurt, they really hurt!!
Oh..and you're not the only one who sees things as "blog post!" LOL!
Welcome to the dark side, my friend!!!!! I would take alot more pictures for my blog if I could find the cord thingy (this whole thing was explained in a post called "My hubby is cramping my blog."
I don't get men either. My hubby can come home with a huge bruise or scrap and I'll say "how did you get that?" and he'll say "I don't know!"
I love how your hubby is playing football for Jesus! My pastor hubby isn't playing football but he is involved in some stuff with our kids that allows him to connect out there in the community too.
All of life is blogger fodder. I've had things happen to my kids and they turn and ask me, "Are you putting this on your blog?"
So funny to ran for the camera! So funny when they are so tough on the field and then tell us about all the boo boos all week long. I just tell him to tough it out sometimes or take something.
After one of the games on turf we put gause on one of his burns and then it stuck and we had to soak it and soak it till he could take it off. I almost threw up! He was in so much pain. Crazy!!!
But hey the contact is good for the ministry. Right!!! jejeje and hey they enjoy it!!!
I'd probably run for the camera too! So funny:)
It's a bloggin' thing:)
LOL, I know what you mean! How could it possibly be fun to be sore and bruised for days??
Haha! It's the warriors in them coming out!
I've done the same thing with my's just GOT to be blogged! :)
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