Well, I know you guys are going to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my first giveaway. I was thinking about something typical for Spain for it, but thought I would wait for my 1 year anniversary in this blogging world. I wanted something that would be of a blessing to the one that receive it. Right away, I thought about this. I just know you are going to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my first giveaway. :)
One of my bestest friend in the world, Deanna, with her brother and sister, have a music group. It is called “All the Glory”. So far they have put out 2 cds, one in spanish and one in english. Of course I have both!! And I just love them both!!! I can’t wait for them to put out another one. Their music is Christ honoring and soul uplifting, you are just going to love it! One of the songs was written by their dad “Cry for the Lost”, who was my first Pastor. I praise God for this family. Another special fact about this family is that they are 3rd generation missionaries!
Well, before I get teary eye I will go on. If you are looking for a mother's day present or any other present, and you don't get to win this giveaway, this will make for a great gift. Take it from me! If you want, you can go to their web and hear some samples of the music, but you just have to be nuts not to fall in love with this cd. They also have a Spanish cd, so if you speak Spanish and prefer that one, I don’t mind sending you one or the other, just let me know.
Anyhow, here are the rules:
· Leave me a comment and tell me one song that God has used to touch your heart and why.
· If you write a post in your blog about this giveaway you may enter twice, that way you will have more chances to win this great FREE blessing! :) You got to love free stuff!
You have till next Friday April 24th to enter. Saturday 25 I will announce the winner. My little Noelia will pick the winner…. And she doesn’t know how to read so you KNOW there won’t be any cheating going on here :).
Well ladies, hope you have a great weekend. Tomorrow we are having the people from our church coming over for lunch. A couple of our mexican ladies in our church are making us a great mexican meal (I have been missing real mexican food so much since we got to Spain.... don't dare to ask what you are thinking ;) hehe). Pray for this activity because we are also using it to invite a couple of people (One of then with his family) from Matthew's football team. None of them are christians or attend any church that I know of. May we be a testimony to them and may this be an open door for them to come to church. What are your plans for the weekend?

I love music and books. There have been SO many songs that have touched me, brought me closer to Christ, songs I have used to meditate truth, and more. One of my all time favorite songs is "When I Think About the Lord" by Shane and Shane. I love it because it reminds me of what all He has done in my life. I can't listen to it and remain unmoved. I get excited!
"This is the Air I Breathe" truly touched my heart. I first heard it when I started attending my husband's church before we were married. It touched me so deeply, we had it performed at our wedding by his uncle and cousin. About a month after our wedding my husband was deployed to Iraq for 18 months. It was difficult, but this song really helped me make it through. I would listen to it over and over and just surrender everything. I would always feel better after listening to it and praying the words. My husband returned home in March of 2005 and we now have a beautiful family together, but this is still my favorite song:) Thanks!
Hey, Pilar! Great idea! definitely better than a hamster give away. jk.. doesn´t even compare! ;)
I would give the cd away as a gift as I already have this one. I love the song Under His Wings on this cd. Deana, Debrorah, and David blend so well! I just love this song, because it talks of God´s protection and love!
Will def. be praying for you get together Mexican dinner. How fun! Give our love to the ladies. What a blessing you are able to have classes and ladies meetings now!
And praying for the family from the team!
One song that always touches my heart is "May Christ Be Seen In Me". Sorry, I don't know who wrote it. The words are taken from Psalm 51, and they really challenge me in my walk with Christ.
Oh, I love giveaways! One of my favorite songs (it's always hard for me to pick just one) is a song by 100 Hours called I Believe In Love (hence the name of my blog). It's so powerful!
I love this idea - Pilar you are so original!
Well, actually, I love the song ALL THE GLORY - It was the last song my brother and his quartet were singing before they died (so we are told since they found a copy in the wreckage) It has special meaning to me and my family. Also Joe and I sang it at Rachel's wedding in memory of Johnny - Such a tragedy yet for God's glory. I haven't heard the cd, but I am sure it is great those velasquez singers always sound so nice.
I love Amazing grace becuase it was the first song I ever learned to play....
Thanks ~~~~Justin
A song that has recently blessed my soul was, "Then came morning". I think several groups sing it, but I watched a live performance clip that Jungle Mom had on her blog on Easter day. This Easter I missed the traditional Easter services from the States, so the song was such a blessing to me at the time.
What a great give-away!
OK.. I posted for your give away too! ;) Had a little fun with it!
thanks Pilar! You encouraged me to go for the dare and told me what to tell the hair dresser! It was really fun to do too! I have gotten so many compliments. I may just have to keep my hair this way. ;)
You sure you don´t want a hamster, Pilar? jeje
The song I like most is one I've recently heard called "A Higher Call"...heard it from Lancaster Church in CA. The chorus goes:
A higher call a greater reason to live
A higher call a brand new reason to live
Called to give my life
For Jesus Christ
I give my ALL -- to a higher call!
I just love it and it encourages me so much to keep going on for the Lord and the higher call I am to give to my precious Lord and Saviour.
I enjoy visiting your blog. You all came to our church for a missions conference so I was thrilled when I found your blog.
My favorite song is And Can It Be. That's where I got the title, Amazing Love, for my blog. Every word in that song echoes my feelings towards Jesus and what He did for me.
I am not able to listen to the samples, but I still want to win. I got rid of all my worldly music a couple of years ago and I am still trying to replace it with good Godly music.
I think I will order the spanish version for my in-laws in El Salvador. My m-i-l loves to listen to music and she is not saved. I think it would be a wonderful witnessing tool.
Thanks for having such a great givaway.
Pilar, I have this CD. I could do a commercial for it. It has been such a blessing to me. I have cried and sang along with it many times. One of my favorite parts is the part about the enemy can't see that I'm under my Lord's wings. Love that! And the other part I love is the part about the last blood He'll ever need. I raise my hands in praise and thanksgiving! Music is so powerful for good or evil. I know this will be a real blessing to whoever receives it!
It's hard to pick one song, but the first that came to my mind is called "God Will MAke This Trial a Blessing." I know the McKameys sing it, I'm sure others do too. The first time I heard it, it was sung by a young couple just days after she miscarried their first child.
The young lady sang the song a few times in church after that, and it always seemed to be when I needed to hear it. Later I recorded it with my two daughters for a church cd, but I've never been able to sing it publicly...I can't get through it without crying!
I've posted a link to your give away in the sidebar at the KJV Blog Directory
I posted about your give away!!!
I just listened to their CD. It is beautiful! I would love to win this.
I love worship music. It touches my heart and encourages me in rough times. I have a lot of favorites. But I would have to say that "God Will Make a Way" is one of my long time favorites. It always reminds me that no matter what, God will make a way.
Thanks for hosting this!
Can't wait to see who wins!
Here you go Mrs Pilar, I would not want to make you look bad ;} I know there is more than one listed, I could not stop at one, Sorry.
My songs would be......I'm so glad I got lost - our choir sings this and seems to be my life's theme, i always seem to get lost/distracted doing this or that
My, my, my.........just a fun song to sing
It's been worth it all......bro randy king sings this with the choir and it means alot to me because no matter what trials we go through, we will never go through them alone
Hope you are having a great day !!
I guess I forgot to come back and post that I put your giveaway on the sidebar of the KJV Blog Directory.
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