This photo is pretty special because it is one of the very few photos where all of my sisters, brother, mom and dad are together. I guess it got too big of a family to make these photos possible. Actually, I only have one other one (I am sure there may be more, but I just don´t know) where everyone is there. This is from my first birthday, I am the dangerous one with the knife :). The little boy next to me is my nephew, he is actually 1 1/2 years old older than me. Before you wonder ¨what??????¨ I should say, my mom had me when she was 45 and my oldest sister was already married.

Enjoy your weekend and come back tomorrow to find out who won my first giveaway.

¡¡Preciosas y entrañables fotos!!
Gracias por compartirlas.
El traductor pues...¡una pasada! ¿me explicas como pongo uno igual en mi WEB?
Gracias por tus lindos comentarios.
Eres......¡un solete de niña!
Besicos para los cuatro.
Que el Señor os bendiga.
Pilar!! Hi! I'm so glad you joined in on the meme!!
Wow...that is amazing that your mom had you when you were 45!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome!!!
LOL about the knife!!! :)
Great photos! When I first looked at the family photo, I thought you were the girl to the far left in the front!
Big families are great!! My uncle is only a few years older than me, and we are great pals!!
And, how is it that we age so quickly? Ten ((or eleven)) years sound so short, but change us so much!!
aww pilin tan guapa y la paqui ni se diga....gracias por compartir voy a tratar de escanear l aprimera foto con jeremi y algunas cuando era pequena pero solo tratare ok no prometo nada..
Awesome....youve definitley changed!!
Now we all know what you wanted to be when you grew up. ...jeje.. a surgeon! ;) Love that picture! that´s Paqui to the far left?
You and Matthew haven´t changed! just the clothes and hair.. jeje.. You look so cute!
So great you got in on the Friday Photo Flashback and so cool we won together on Alicia´s give away!
wait! who´s who? I figured Paqui out... then maybe Manoli she is the oldest, then Encarni.. where´s Belen or is that Belen in the corner? one is missing? Well, anyway.. maybe I just didn´t remember right.
Never mind I found her. Either Belen or Encarni is behind your nephew. jejeje sorry.
Wow! You did look dangerous (obviously, the knife was far more fascinating than the camera!). You and your husband-to-be looked so happy!
I always love looking back at old photos and thinking of all the memories from that time!
Oh wow! What great pics. I can definitely see the family resemblence.
It has been so much fun seeing everybody's pics. Hopefully I can play along next week!
O.k., now my computer is acting up because everyone can see all your photos but I can only see the last one of you and hubby.
You both look so cute though! Hopefully next time I pop in I'll be able to see the rest of them!
What a great family shot! :)
I LOVED seeing those pictures! The first one must be such a treasure!! I'm sure both pictures bring back precious memories...
I love that pic!!!! it was supposed to be an immediate family pic and my brother got in it, lol I remember those times when we all were so little! so fun!
Love the old picture with your family!! Your Mom looks really beautiful in this pic. I think that all of you girls have a little of your Mom in you. = )
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