To those that do not know. We are missionaries in Spain (I am also an spaniard). We started this church last December. We have had someone with us, praise the Lord, for every service since then. That is a victory in itself. We had our first getting saved before we even started the church and has been with us since January when he had to move because of work. We have had american students coming too since and before because we have a big college here where foreigners students come. But these ladies that you are about to see are ones that we can build a church with because they are not just passing by, so that is a great blessing.
Works in Spain/Europe are slow, so every person that comes to visit turns into a great reason to praise God. Things that we may take from granted in the States. Pray for these ladies if you will.
The next photos is of me and M.L. She just got saved 2 weeks ago. She is such a blessing to me and so sweet.
After church we moved all the chairs and set up the tables. We really had a great time in unity. It was really a time that glorified the Lord.
God, give us wisdom, we pray, to lead this work for your honor and glory. The help this ladies grow and be a blessing and encouragement to them. Bring more people that we may build a church that will honor you, that we may be a bright light to this city. I ask you God for your blessings upon Bible Baptist Church of Granada. In Jesus precious name, AMEN

Oh, Pilar...your building is beautiful to start a church in!! I love it! The perfect size to get started....I'm with you, can't wait to see it full!
Do you have a separate area to fellowship in? Everything looks great! We are in the earlier stages of looking for somewhere to meet.
You guys look great....hope Dani and her family made it off this morning alright and I hope they don't have any problems getting here. I'll be nervous all day...praying they don't run into any problems.
Hope you guys had a fantastic time! Thanks for posting the pictures. now i have and idea in my head when I'm praying for you guys.
Thank you so much for sharing your life and your church. We will keep you, your family and your church in our prayers. That is so exciting with all that is going on.
Thanks for sharing your ministry. It's going to be exciting watching what God does with it.
Hi Pilar, Thanks for sharing your ministry. So neat to see Dani in your pictures. Bless you all as you serve in Spain. Cathryn
Oh! What wonderful pictures! God will soon fill up your church and it will overflow! Just keep preaching, keep reaching and loving them! God will bring the increase! :)
What a great time! I am happy to hear that your first fellowship went so well!
I miss you so much already! I have our conversations running around in my brain.. Your fun way of talking! one thing you say alot and I love .. "NO seriously" :) I enjoyed every minute we were with you all! I am just going to say Thank- you again for the hundreth time!!!
We are so thankful for your ministry in S. Spain! God is blessing and it was an incredible blessing for us to be there and be a part of it.
Give all the ladies un abrazo de mi parte!! They are so special!
You were made for this moment in time!
Awesome to see pics of the work you are doing! I'm sure it was such a blessing to have fellow missionaries visiting! Praying for some godly men to come along!
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