If you are like me, I don’t have enough hours to get the things I need to get done, done J. I believe the hours are there, but I believe I am not managing my time properly. But everyday new things are added to the list of things to do and very little are erase from that list. That really has to change.
I enjoy blogging; I really don’t want to get rid of that. I enjoy reading your blogs, that is something that I don’t want to take away either. It is a daily blessing to my heart to keep this contact. It is a way to be myself, to share my heart, to keep it real. It is something that I really enjoy.
But I believe I need to schedule my days. I was thinking about scheduling my every minute for a week. After the week is done readjust my schedule. Figure out what works and what doesn’t. What needs more time and what less. Adjust the times if necessary. I really think I could get a lot more done if I do that. If I get a lot more done, then I won’t feel so guilty by being “caught” sitting in my computer.
So, how do you manage your time? Do you have any plan? Do you just shoot to get as much done as possible? Are you, like me, in need to rearrange your schedule? Any plans?
Here is my meal plan for the week. I did get something done :) my meal plan and my grocery list… of course my husband just had to take the car to the shop because is leaking something…. No good…. How am I supposed to buy groceries? :)
MONDAY: Baked chicken legs, corn and mashed potatoes
TUESDAY: Shrimp Calzone
WEDNESDAY: Chicken parmesan and broccoli casserole
THURSDAY: Marinated grilled fish, carrots and rice
SATURDAY: Church activity- Mexican Meal made by our mexican women
SUNDAY: Pasta Nonna
I am off to clean the house. You just have to love Mondays :)!

This is one of my goals too this last leg of our school season. Great motivation to get going. Thanks!
I am sooo wiped out today after two days of missions conf. and Church all day yesterday. Which was wonderful but now I must concentrate on my home.
I am with ya on this time managment thing. I will work out a schedule too. and even put in my blog time. that way I will only blog on those times. (we´ll see how that goes)
Love ya!
I'm in the same boat as you. I haven't been blogging as much as I would like because I've been too busy, then too tired to deal with it. But I also really enjoy doing it.
Let me know when you figure it out!
Hi Sweetie,
I'm a prioritize person. I don't jot down my entire schedule but I do set "specific" things that I need to address each day. Because Blogging is part of the Ministry serving that I do; I also have that on a schedule. I give attention to reading blogs twice per week for about 30 minutes or so. If time permits then perhaps three times per week.I also schedule time to write on my own blogs; giving more attention to one blog imparticular.
When breaks are needed for 'everything' that I can take a break from then I do it so that I can refresh in the LORD because WE ALL get out of balance some times. I call it "dry spots" for myself.
Bottom line sweet sister is you have to do what is best for you and what works for you. You also have little ones at home and missionary work, etc. so pray and prioritize. I often say, do all things prayerfully and carefully.
I hope I've helped some or at least answered your question.
Love you.
Yummy menu, you should post this on the Menu Plan Monday by Organized Junkie! (It's on my left sidebar).
As you know, I just took a blogging break to reevaluate.
I have a schedule already done up that I haven't been sticking to very well. That's why I'm reevaluating things.
I don't want to give up blogging but I think I will be either doing it less, or doing smaller posts, or visiting less blogs or something.
Por mucho tiempo, yo me he sentido agobia también hermanilla, hasta el punto de no tener tiempo, para mí misma.
Te doy mi solución:
1 Eliminar cosas.
2 Saber decir no
3 Hacer en dos días lo que
antes hacíamos en uno.
4 Olvidar aquello de:
“No dejes para mañana
lo que puedas hacer hoy.
5 Decirnos a nosotras mismas
“no tengo prisa”
6 Decir al Señor: “Padre esto es lo que yo iba a hacer. Si quieres que haga otra cosa, interrúmpeme”
“Porque no saldréis apresurados…porque delante de vosotros irá el Señor, y vuestra retaguardia será el Dios de Israel”
(Isaías 52: 12)
Besicos para todos
Tu plan de comida, para la semana me parece........
¡¡Riquisimo!! Creo que me acojeré a tu idea :)
Always a good question about how to manage time! I'm actually in the midst of praying about where to focus my energy right now. I think it's always good to evaluate ourselves every once in a while.
On the blogging, even though I have a blog that posts every day, I don't actually get on and write every day. Sometimes I'll sit and write 3 posts and schedule them over 3 days. I especially do that over the weekend and vacations. It has really helped me a lot! I can have a break and still post some blogs! I just let my secret out!
Hey girl, this is a biggie for me. One thing with the blogging that I have started (stopped?) doing is commenting. I still read alot of blogs but don't take the time to comment most of the time. I know it is the pits for the other bloggers (like you!), but it does decrease the time. But I have not been blogging much at all lately. Just don't have the time, plus I'm kind of getting burned out. Just lots going on.
The best stick to a time tip I have is set a timer, when the timer goes off, you have to move on to the next project. You have to set it in concrete that you will only give this project so much time right now, and then come back to it at a later time if you did not get it done. I got a kitchen timer for just a couple dollars. Hope this helps. Be sure to let us know what you find works for you and your family, I am always looking for ways to better manage my time.
What is "Pasta Nonna"?
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