Of course, on Sunday I got sick and my desire went away… ha!! No, I really need to get things done.
* My windows need to be clean.
* The girl’s room needs to be redone
* Me and the girl’s passports need to get done because they expired….. a while back
* My Spanish I.D needs to get done (really those 2 haven’t been done because I have to get my picture taken…. Hate getting those shots)
* My kitchen needs a deep clean inside the covers and lots of rearranging (my kitchen does not have enough counter space (or actually not at all)), but praise the Lord, I have a kitchen.
* I really want to get some reading and scrapbooking done.
* I need to organize my photos
* Need to print photos for our new “multi-frame wall décor” thingy
* Need to reorganize the girl’s toys and figure out a way to make them stick to it
* Need to take the girls to the doctor for their revision and get some vaccines that are missing because the American schedule is a little different
* Reorganize the office and put some photos up to try to decorate that room
* Put frames to two of our pictures
* Get recipes organize (I want to print them out individually and plasticize them as well as finding some new addition to our meals- would love to make a 2 month meal plan so I don’t have to keep doing week plans)
* Need to design and print the flyers that we are going to pass out the week before Easter
*Need to design a new flyer to pass out on a regular base because Matthew has found a size that works better, and the old (2 month old) flyer don’t work for that size.
* I need to potty train my 2 1/2year old before she starts school
* Need to get a working out schedule that may work for me and give it a try
These are some of the things that come to mind right now, but I know if I sit long enough my list will really grow. On top of that I need to leave a couple of mornings for discipleship…..
Should I get started? Does anyone have a good way to organize her days? A good idea how you would tackle all those things? Mind sharing some of your organization skills? I do have a planner where I write down the "must happen" of that day, but these kind of things need something more than a regular daily planner.

Wow!! I got overwhelmed for you! LOL
I love lists too.. Just prioritize the things as what needs to get done first and start tackling them one at a time!!!
Can´t wait to see ya!
Your list could pass for my list...promise!!
(Except for the Spanish paperwork stuff)
Man...now I'm stressed out!!
yeah, I just added like 5 more things to the list. But I got 2 of them done.... should count for something :)
I'm totally overwhelmed with all I have to do. You're list is intimidating too, but I can help with one of them. If you don't potty train your daughter before school, peer pressure will take care of the problem really quickly! : ) LOL
Peer pressure at age 3!!!hahahah, that is it, she is not going to school... lol ;)
Oh boy, don't ask me! I'm the worst procrastinator! I'm working on it though!! Best of luck getting things squared away and I know it usually feels GREAT to have it all clear!
Hey Pilar! I have always been a stickler for keeping my house organized and reorganized and reorganized..... Anyway, I am easily motivated for stuff that needs to get done, because I can't relax or sleep at night when it is not. So, if I want to sleep I can't procrastinate. However, I did not have a routine and would wind up doing it all at once--exhaustion--:). I wanted a routine that would just keep it done.
There is a great group you can join called Flylady. Check it out at www.flylady.com. I am doing it and several of my friends are as well. It has been great for organizing and staying organized. It makes you think of stuff that you otherwise probably would forget about.
We are all loving it. I actually have more time than ever to relax and I am always ready for company to come. We even had an unexpected guest spend the night this week and I was ready with only a 1 hour notice. I wasn't worried about a messy closet or bathroom or floor or anything. It was all ready thanks to Flylady! You may think, I don't need this at first, but I promise we all do. It is great!
I just start doing it and once I get going it's easier. The trick, for me, is to start with something small-ish so that I can tackle it and be done and feel accomplished!
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