
From my devotionals today

This are the things God has spoken to me personally during my morning devotionals. Thought someone may benefit from any of it:

* God has protected me even though I belong to a wicked generation
God has given me salvation even though I come from a family and a country that knows all about religion but nothing about the true way to Heaven, Jesus Christ; and is blind to the holiness of God.
God has given me a wonderful husband that loves me, but most importantly loves God above all things, although I do not deserve him.
He has given me three beautiful loving daugthers although I am not the mom God wants me to be.
He has allowed me to serve Him as a missionary in Spain although I am not a faithful servant.
He loves me, although I don't deserve it.

* We need to find diamonds in the dust of our circunstances

* To praise God for our blessings makes them bigger

* To praise God for our problems ends them
(Sorry if the translation wasn't great... )

1 comment:

Nate and Arancha Photography said...

Praise God for His goodness and mercy :D