
Kids playroom ideas- Decorating tips

Hello everyone,
I got a question for you all especially those into designing. As you know we have now moved to a house and that of course means more room for everyone. The girls room is a nice size, but since we got here they have found the garage to be their favorite room. We have boxes down there, but there is a big area that is open and that is where the girls have been playing. For some reason they prefer that to their own room. The floor of the garage is done, it is not concrete, but it does stay cool because it is not carpet. (I guess here it is use more as a "summer room" than as a garage- it actually has a fire place, and our neighbour has turned hers into the place where she has gatherings) That may be the reason why they like it so much, it is cooler in there than anywhere else in the house.

Anyway, they found their old toy box with old toys inside, we had a chalkboard that I don't much care to have inside the house and Matthew took it downstairs for them to use. I still need that area to be of storage but I was wondering if you guys have any ideas to turn that into a cozy play room for them. But remember, keep the budget under 100$, the less the better. If you have any ideas, share away please. Until then, you can find me in decorating sites :)


Nate and Arancha Photography said...

Wow, you got me thinking! All I can think of is IKEA! perfect for storage, perfect for kids, and cheap! also, it would be nice if you could post some pictures, that would help! I'm not much into all the decorating thing but you know I love design and all that, so maybe I can help a little little little bit!

Pilar said...

ikea is for sure a great place but it is 2 hours away and my car doesn't have a greatly big trunk so.... keep thinking hehe

Nate and Arancha Photography said...

dont they have that a vaca that they put on the roof of your car for free with all the stuff? here in Atlanta they do it

Nate and Arancha Photography said...

baca, not vaca, shame on me

Laura said...

I'm thinking, Pilar... It's kind of funny that you say your girls like the garage. We have a one car garage at this house. Lately, our children have been playing out there quite a bit. I also have a table set up with my scrapbooking stuff, so I can just leave it out. Anyway, the children and I have been thinking about setting it up more officially as a playroom. My first thought is what do you have? Are you wanting to paint and that kind of thing or just storage and such. You could hang a cute curtain (from material or a sheet, whichever is cheaper or you like) across the room so that the boxes would be hidden. Can you get spray paint? You could cut down some boxes and spray paint them or cover them with material or contact paper. I just don't know what you have there. Let them color or paint some pictures. Hang a clothesline of sorts across the wall. Then hang the pictures on with clothespins. Check out www.simplemom.net for cheap wall ideas today. Do you have any shelves that you could put out there? You could paint those, of course. Let us know what you end up doing. And let us know the good websites you find! I'll let you know if I think of anything else.

Pilar said...

No baca in my car hehe arancha

Pilar said...

Hey Laura, thanks :) I was actually thinking about finding a comfy chair o couch to put down there so I can be there with them. I was thinking big rug, little chairs and table for them and a bookself for putting some books downs and playdough and puzzles. Then in winter have the fireplace burning and staying down. Like making another room that can be mess up. The problem... the money. It is a good idea about hiding the boxes, it will make it a lot nicer. I was actually wanting to set my scrapbooking there. I figure I could go down and have some peace sometimes or be able to scrapbook while the girls play. Can't wait to get into scrapbooking again. So we are in the same place you and me. Well if you do something with the garage let me know and I will do the same.

Laura said...

Post pictures whatever you do, Pilar. I'd love to see your house! I guess they don't have thrift stores there, do they? You could sew some huge pillows to sit on the floor. Have you done much scrapbooking since you've been in Spain?

Unknown said...

Pilar, i think a rug or a low lying seating is a better idea to relax with kids in their room.

Nate and Arancha Photography said...

Pilar, I meant that at Ikea the do the baca thing for you. For free! I saw it the other day. They had pictures and info on the doors. I guess they have like wooden ones or something like that and they set it up for you!

Anonymous said...

Useful tips!! for Kids Playroom Ideas.