-I went to visit my sister to the States for 1 ½ months not looking for a boyfriend at all but actually running away from one ;) . Then I stayed for 3 months after finding the man of my dreams, my wonderful husband.
-When Matthew and I first met he thought my look said “I hate American boys” but what I was thinking was “WOW, he is sooooo cute”. It was really love at first sight for me. I beat myself up for the next few days because my sister also caught the same look that Matthew and told me about it. Could not believe it.
- When he picked me up for our “first date” I was all nervous and he actually came a little late. He came to the door and said “Hi, my sister is coming with us”. Hahahahha. He said that he couldn’t get her not to come (sorry Kristi), he wasn’t too happy.
-We said “I love you” to each other a week before he asked me to be his girlfriend. We had known each other for about 1 month.
- When we first met I couldn’t speak much English and he couldn’t speak Spanish. Still his dad was the one that introduced us and the first words out of his month, after his dad said “Pilar, this is my son Matthew, but he doesn’t speak much Spanish” was “Yo hablo mucho espaƱol” (which means “I speak lots of Spanish”)—how did we do it??? Love, God… I still don’t know.
-The day he asked me to be his girlfriend he gave me a beautiful gold band. He wanted me to know that his feeling were for real.
-The day we had to say goodbye at the airplane when it was time for me to go back to Spain was one of the saddest moments of my life, my heart ached so much. We had met about 2 ½ months earlier.
- He came to Spain and asked my dad if he could marry me only 2 ½ months later. My dad didn’t understand that he meant 6 months later, so he said yes. The story that follows is an interesting one all by itself.
-He gave me the most beautiful ring I had ever seen and he picked it out all by himself which is the part that I love the most.
-We married 1 year minus a week after he had seen me the first time. 1 year minus 1 week after we met. I don’t think it was fast, it was God’s will. My husband is the best gift after salvation God has given me.

wow i didn't know any of that! cool story!
awww I remember all that well most of it jejje.I remember the red car and course the wedding cause i was there.
It´s very special! Thanks for sharing!
Oh by they way you have some Spanish sisters in Christ who have mentioned the desire to read your posts in Spanish. (not to cause more work for you) :) Not that you have to either.. just said that I would mention it. The devotionals have been a blessing. I need some help brain storming on an idea. I will call soon. Besitos
How cute! I can't believe I missed all that! I had to hear all those stories from Spain and delayed!!! My uncle maciu (matthew in English) is really cool though! we're happy he became our uncle :)
Great story, Pilar! You all seem so right for each other. I'm glad God put you two together!
BTW, tell Deenie I said hi.
That was interesting reading, Pilar. I either didn't know most of these things. God definitely led you and Matthew together. We "Starks" couldn't be happier!
I meant to say I either didn't know most of these things or had forgotten them. : )
hmmm... really sorry about that Pilar! :) If he hadn't picked MY best friend to date, I wouldn't have tagged along! I know the three of us did a lot together, but I don't remember our "first date". Where did we go? :)
Hey Kris hehehe It was actually weird when you were working and we got to go out by ourselves hehehehe. It wasn't really a date, I guess it was but it wasn't said it was :) We went to find a football for my brother in law. I guess there were two girls in that date and it turned into a shopping spree :)
I loved this. Thank you for sharing it. So sweet!
My Spanish is sort of non-existent. Our friend's new wife speaks only Spanish but is learning English.
So he has to interpret for us. I do, however, speak sign language, which doesn't help with her at all.
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